How to Make Natural Remedies for Constipation at Home
Eat apples. Apples have strong laxative properties due to their pectin content, which add bulk to the stool. Apple cider vinegar is a fermented form of apple - take two teaspoons twice a day with a glass of water.
Mix a glass of lemon juice with water and a pinch of salt. Stir then drink. Alternatively, stir 2 to three teaspoons of lime into a glass of warm water and drink this daily to prevent constipation. You may also drink orange juice throughout the day. Citrus fruit promotes regularity, providing constipation relief and also cleanses the bowel system.
Eat some papaya and/or guava every morning on an empty stomach. A fruit salad that has guava and papaya contains good roughage which is effective for constipation relief.
Add bananas to your diet. They are high in natural fiber and will also help to restore normal bowel function. Strawberries and prunes are also gently laxative.
Drink two cups of spinach juice each day. This is especially beneficial for chronic constipation. Alternatively, eat raw or cooked spinach. In addition to being a rich source of fiber, spinach is also beneficial to the functioning of the bowel system and digestive track.
Soak figs for 24 hours in water. Drain and snack on these the following morning. Alternatively, soak six to eight dates in a glass of hot water, allow to cool and then drink the water and eat the dates.
Put 1 teaspoonful of flax seed in a glass of water and let steep for 2-3 hours. Drain and then drink the flax seed water at night before you sleep. Alternatively, take one to two tablespoons of flaxseed oil right after lunch or dinner and drink a lot of water with it.
Take a lot of water as soon as you wake up, and then at least 6-8 glasses of water a day. This will help regulate bowel movement and soften stool.
Combine 2 to 3 seeds each of almonds, sesame and sunflower. Grind these to form a thin powder. Sprinkle a teaspoonful over your salad or stir it into a glass of fruit juice. You can also snack on the shelled seed throughout the day.