How to Use Aloe Leaves
Things You'll Need
- Aloe Vera plant
- water
How to Use Aloe Leaves
Apply aloe vera pulp directly to cleaned lacerations and abrasions. First, thoroughly clean the wound with mild soap and water. Then apply crushed aloe vera pulp to the wound and bandage over the top. Keep any dressings moist with aloe vera juice until the wound is healed.
Treat sunburns with liberal applications of aloe vera juice. Simply squeeze the juice out of the leaves and gently massage into burned skin. Apply as often as needed to alleviate the pain.
To settle an upset stomach or regulate digestive processes, ingest 1-2 tbsp of juice up to three times daily. The taste may be somewhat bitter, but the results are worth it.
When treating poison ivy/oak/sumac, liberally apply aloe vera juice to the rash. The juice will inhibit any pain or itchiness associated with the rash.
Apply aloe vera juice directly to dry, itchy belly skin often while pregnant in order to reduce the chances for stretch marks.
Cut up aloe vera leaves and place into a container of refrigerated water. Drink four tsps daily to combat the effects of arthritis. Both pain and inflammation have been reduced by using this method.
Asthmatics can boil aloe leaves in water and breathe the steam to reduce symptoms associated with their condition.