Home Cure for Thrush
Tea Tree and Coconut Oil Remedy
Mix drops of tea tree oil and coconut or olive oil and apply the salve to the nipples after breastfeeding. Always rinse the nipples and dry them before feeding again. You can also apply raw, virgin coconut oil to your nipples and your baby's mouth before and after breastfeeding to prevent passing thrush back and forth. You can also apply a mixture of coconut oil and caprylic acid powder to the nipples between feeding. Make sure to rinse it off and apply only coconut oil before feeding again.
Yogurt Remedy
Eat yogurt regularly and give your baby fingerfuls of yogurt as well. You can also dab yogurt onto the yeast patches in your baby's mouth.
Baking Soda Remedy
Combine one teaspoon of baking soda and eight ounces of water in a bowl. Make sure all of the baking soda is diluted before dabbing the solution onto the affected areas of the mouth. Use a cotton swab to apply the solution and make sure to use a clean swab for each application to prevent cross-contamination.
Grapefruit Seed Extract Remedy
Make a solution of one ounce of water and 10 drops of grapefruit seed extract. Apply it to the inside of the cheeks (for babies and adults). Use this solution when breastfeeding as well. Swab your baby's mouth before nursing and apply the solution to your nipples after nursing. You can also apply this mixture to affected patches of skin.
Vaginal Thrush
For vaginal thrush, scrub your panties with unscented detergent before washing them in the washing machine. You can also boil your panties before washing or soaking them in bleach for 24 hours. You can also add vinegar to the rinse water and dry the panties outside in sunlight when possible.
Prevent Thrush
Avoid getting thrush by eating wholesome foods and avoiding processed grains and sugars. Some foods that help prevent thrush include fermented foods such as kimchi, sauerkraut, milk kefir and yogurt. Women should always wear cotton panties that are washed in very hot water after each use.