Home Remedies for a Prostate Infection
Herbal Treatments
A study led by S.A. Kaplan published in a 2004 issue of the Journal of Urology found that saw palmetto effectively treated many prostate disorders but was not specifically studied for prostatitis. Saw palmetto can be used as a primary treatment for many prostate conditions in many forms of traditional medicine. In theory, it might be effective for this prostate problem as well. Take 160 mg twice a day. African pygeum can relieve symptoms of chronic prostatitis. Take 75 to 200 mg daily. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, stinging nettle has proved to be effective in maintaining general prostate health but studies indicate mixed results. Take 80 mg daily.
The following herbal treatments have an extensive history of use in traditional medicine but have not been officially studied. Take these as directed on the product label. Pau d'arco is a potent herb and you should consult with your doctor before trying this treatment. Horsetail is also used traditionally, but do not use if you have high blood pressure or heart disease
The following homeopathic treatments are commonly employed to treat prostatitis and its symptoms. Use the treatments as directed on the label.
Chimaphila umbellate works for people who are retaining urine and have an enlarged prostate. Pulsatilla treats pain experienced after urination, especially if it was involuntary. Pareira treats painful urination that is preceded by painful urging. Lycopodium should be used for painful urination that produces urine with red sediment, especially if the man is experiencing impotence. Thuja should be used for those specifically experiencing a forked flow of urine.
Supplements and Nutrition
Beta sitosterol, a plant chemical, is often used to treat prostatitis; take 20 milligrams per day. Dr. Andrew Weil recommends taking 60 milligrams of zinc daily until symptoms improve; use half that dose thereafter for maintenance. Omega-3 fatty acids are well known for their anti-inflammatory properties. Take 1,000 to 1,500 mg daily. You can use fish oil or flax seed supplements. You can also get these beneficial compounds through food; eat more cold water fish or put flaxseeds in foods such as cereals, soups, and salads. Pumpkin seeds have been used throughout time for general prostate health.
Drink at least eight glasses of water daily. Avoid simple sugars like those found in sweets, alcohol, coffee, tobacco and spicy food; they all irritate the prostate.