Natural Remedies for Chronic Constipation & H. Pylori
Herbal Treatments for Chronic Constipation
Herbal laxatives fall into three categories. Bulking agents, as the name might indicate, bulk up stool making it easier to pass. Stimulant laxatives prompt the stool retaining muscles to relax and the stool expelling muscles to contract. Lastly, there are herbal laxatives which increase the flow of bile into the intestines. Bile contains the fatty substance cholesterol which lubricates the stool. Since many herbal treatments produce similar benefits, it is not necessary to take every treatment suggested. Experiment with the different types of laxatives to see which works best.
Bulking agents: Kelp will bulk up stool as well as relieve stress on the blood vessels lining the rectum and anus. Eat 2 oz. in a single serving once a week. Psyllium seed does not cause cramping and can relieve hemorrhoids. This can be taken as a cereal or powder; use as directed on the label.
Stimulant Laxatives: Use one of the following treatments in tablet form as directed on the label: Aloe bitters, buckthorn, cascara sagrada, frangula, or senna. Stimulant laxatives are not intended for continuous use and should not be taken longer than two weeks. They have the potential to draw too much fluid into the intestines, causing a depletion of electrolytes, which help maintain fluid balance in the body.
Herbs that Increase Bile Flow: Dandelion tincture; take 20 drops in ¼ cup of water three times daily on an empty stomach. Do not use if you have gallstones. Milk thistle capsules; take 360 mm daily. Milk thistle can cause mild diarrhea when first taken. If this happens, decrease the dose or stop taking it.
Other Useful Herbs: Ginger tea stops muscle spasms that accompany constipation. Drink one cup three times daily. Hibiscus tea pulls water into the stool, making it softer. Drink one cup three times daily.
Other Suggestions for Chronic Constipation
Increase the amount of fiber in the diet but do so slowly to avoid gas and bloating. Whole foods are best such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Drink at least eight glasses of water a day to help soften stool. This is especially important if you are increasing your fiber intake. Think about reducing the amount of beef, dairy and wheat; they contain natural opiates that dull the nerves controlling the intestines.
Herbal Treatments for H. Pylori
Herbal treatments for H. Pylori must be taken for several months before significant improvement appears. Consistent use is important.
Barberry, coptis, goldenseal and Oregon grapreroot contain substances that will kill these bacteria. Choose one and take 500 mm three times a day. Do not use these herbs if you are pregnant or have any sort of gallbladder disease. These treatments should not be used for more than two weeks at a time. Wait at least a week before starting another course. Chamomile tea can mitigate the effects of this strain of bacteria. Drink one cup three times a day.The traditional Chinese formula Coptis Decoction to Relieve Toxicity contains a mix of herbs that fight H. pylori. Take as directed on the label. Do not use this medicine if you are trying to conceive.