Edgar Cayce Bunions Treatment
What is a Bunion?
A bunion is a swelling of the big toe caused by a structural deformity in the joint and bones of the big toe. It's usually quite painful.
Castor Oil
Edgar Cayce often recommended castor oil as a treatment for most problems. Using it for a bunion came about when a woman tried it after successfully curing her daughter's nail by using Cayce's method.
How to Apply
Rub the big toe with castor oil three times daily. During the night, place a towel or wrap over it to allow the oil to soak. Do this until the swelling is gone.
Though this method has many successfully stories attached to it, not all remedies may work all of the time. It's important to stop if you notice any unusual growth or coloration.
Stop this method if you notice a black tinge appearing on your big toe. No one understands why this appears there; however, it often appears in chronically ill individuals.