What Is Safer Than Liquid Nitrogen for Wart Removal?
Identifying the Wart
Warts are caused by a virus known as HPV or human papillomavirus. This virus can come in a variety of different strands causing different types of warts all over the body including the hands, feet, face, arms, legs, genitals or torso. Warts can mimic the appearance of other more serious disorders, which is why it's important to seek a health care professional's opinion if you are unsure exactly what you're treating. It is also important that you never use an at-home remedy to treat warts on the face or the genitals as these areas are extremely sensitive and require the care of a medical professional.
At-home Remedies
One of the oldest home remedies for wart removal is the use of apple cider vinegar. This can be found at almost any grocery store in the spice or dressing aisle. To use this method, wet a cotton ball with the vinegar and apply it to the wart with a bandage, such as a Band-Aid. This method may take several treatments to kill the wart, you will know by the change in color seen on the wart's surface.
Another home treatment is to cover the wart with a piece of duct tape for one to two weeks. This will not allow the wart to "breathe," causing it to die.
Possibly one of the best ways to avoid getting warts or killing off the existing warts is to keep your immune system functioning properly. HPV is not unlike any other virus. It works best when the body is unable to fight it off. Avoiding activities that may weaken the immune system, i.e., smoking, heavy drinking, stress, bad diet etc., may help to prevent the body from ever producing a wart in the first place.