Rescue Remedy Information

Rescue Remedy, made by a company called Bach, is a popular homeopathic remedy which claims to calm and relieve stress and painful emotions for the user. First sold only as drops or a spray taken orally, it now comes in a variety of forms including lotion, pastilles, balm, and gel. The company has also branched out to provide Rescue Remedy products that specifically address problems attributed to stress, such as sleeplessness, achy muscles, or lack of energy.
  1. Rescue Remedy Ingredients

    • All Rescue Remedy products contain the following: extracts of crabapple, clematis, cherry plum, impatiens, rock rose and star of Bethlehem, except for the formula promoting sleep which contains white chestnut instead of star of Bethlehem. The extracts are infused in spring water and contain 27 percent grape-based brandy as a preservative. The formula for kids and pet is alcohol-free, preserved in glycerin.

    Who Can Use Rescue Remedy

    • Rescue Remedy is harmless, and it is impossible to overdose. Pregnant women, children and pets can use the oral drops and spray, although the pastilles contain xylitol, which is not appropriate for animals and can cause stomach upset in people if taken in large amounts.

    When to Use Rescue Remedy

    • Use Rescue Remedy in times of stress or trauma. Adults may take it when stuck in traffic, flying on airplanes, in the doctor's office, or to treat anxiety or shock. For children, it is purported to be able to calm tantrums, help children adjust to new or frightening situations, or soothe nightmares. Follow instructions on the packaging for best results.

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