Simple Cure for Yeast in the Body
Yogurt is a commonly known and widely accepted cure for vaginal yeast infections because it contains active bacteria known as Lactobacillus acidophilus. These healthy bacteria exist naturally in your body, and they will control an overgrowth of candida yeast when you have enough of them. Eating natural yogurt is often all that's needed to control excess yeast and bring your body back into its normal balance.
Dietary Changes
When yogurt is not enough--or you have chronic problems with yeast overgrowth in your body--it's often caused by eating too much sugar or simple starches. Yeast feeds on sugar, and simply carbohydrates are converted to sugar by your body. When you ingest too much candy, sweets, soda and simple carbohydrates such as white bread, rice and pasta, this can encourage yeast to multiply inside your body. The best way to combat ongoing problems is to adjust the types of foods you eat.
Cutting out sweet snacks is the quickest way to start getting relief, and sometimes it's enough alone to combat excessive yeast overgrowth in the body.
When cutting sugary sweets out of your diet doesn't work, start managing your simple carbohydrate intake. Reduce or eliminate starchy foods such as white bread, pasta and white rice. Try replacing them with whole grain breads, brown rice or wild rice instead.
The amount of carbohydrates you can eat regularly will vary depending upon how your body handles them. With a bit of experimentation, you can find your balance.
Herbal Options
Another excellent herbal remedy for managing yeast overgrowth is garlic. Raw garlic is a potent anti-fungal herb that works excellently for killing extra yeast in the body. It often is used topically for both vaginal and mouth-related yeast infections, and it can be consumed as food for internal yeast growth, too.
Raw garlic can upset the stomach, so it's best to eat with other foods. Slicing a small amount into a salad is an easy way to eat it raw, or cook it in meals if you're unable to eat even small amounts raw.