Natural Home Remedy to Cleanse and Detox the Colon
Cleansing Foods To Eat
According to Bill Gottlieb, author of the book "Alternative Cures: More Than 1,000 of the Most Effective Home Remedies," eating an abundance of foods high in fiber such as vegetables and fruits is necessary to cleanse the colon of toxins. To effectively cleanse, designate one or two days to eating a large variety of fruits and vegetables while abstaining from red meats.
Another food to eat for optimum cleansing and colon health is plain, unflavored yogurt. Gottlieb purports that eating just a half a cup of this yogurt every day will support healthy bacteria in the colon. Look for yogurt with "live" or "active" cultures for absorption of the good bacteria your colon needs.
Using Water and Oil to Cleanse Toxins
When consuming high amounts of fiber, it's important to drink plenty of water as well. Six to eight glasses of water a day is the minimum. Fiber helps you cleanse your colon of toxins because it absorbs water and creates large, soft stools. Andrew Gaeddert, the director of the Get Well Clinic in Oakland, Calif., recommends drinking hot water while cleansing. Hot water stimulates peristalsis, the muscular action-or squeezing-that pushes stool through the digestive tract, releasing unwanted toxins.
Oil is another good way to help cleanse and detox your colon. Oil lubricates your intestines, making it easier for stool to exit your body. Gaeddert recommends putting a tablespoon (or two) of olive or canola oil (or any other monounsaturated or polyunsaturated oil) on green salad. Drink water along with this.
Psyllium and Prune Juice
Psyllium husks are a beneficial supplement if your fiber intake through food is too low. A supplement such as Metamucil is another good way to take in extra fiber. Taking either psyllium husks or a supplement, along with a full glass of water, has about five grams of fiber per dose.
Try prune juice while cleansing. Prune juice contains a compound that helps stimulate bowel movements. According to Gottlieb, drinking two to three 8-ounce glasses of a combination of prune juice and water should be adequate in stimulating disposal.