Dandelion Wart Removal
Warts are diagnosed by their location and appearance. They can appear as light or dark skin around a lesion. Flat, smooth or small lesions can appear on the upper and lower body area as well as the face. Rough growths can appear under or around the fingernails and toenails, and even on the soles of the feet, which can be painful. Warts can also manifest themselves as lumps.
Warts are caused by viruses. There are different types of warts. Common warts can appear anywhere on the body, although typically the hands. Flat warts are mostly in the facial area. This type is most common in children, less so in teenagers, and is rare in adults. Genital warts are found around the genital area and can even be found inside the body. Warts on the soles of the feet are plantar warts. Subungual warts are under the fingernails and toenails.
Dandelions naturally contain a latex-type sap known as a phytochemical. The milky-white sap belongs to the luteolin class, and is known to be toxic to human cells. Applying the sap to the wart may reduce cell proliferation, acting as a natural remover. The sap may be gathered from cut roots, stems or leaves. Apply it to the entire wart one to three times daily for five to seven days. The wart can then be removed safely, as it will slowly detach from the skin.
Wash hands carefully after touching warts. Avoid direct contact with warts on other people, as this can spread the virus. Warts can occur in a person with a weakened immune system. Therefore, causation should be investigated before starting treatment. Check allergies to any form of the dandelion before applying the sap. Consult a physician if you are unsure about any unnatural growth you observe,
especially in the genital region.