Benefits of White Vinegar in Ears
Swimmer's ear, or otitis externa, can produce symptoms like ear pain, drainage and itching. Discharge may be yellow or yellow-green and have a foul odor.
Swimming in polluted water, having an object stuck in the ear or scratching at the ear can cause swimmer's ear. It can also be associated with respiratory infections.
The National Library of Medicine of the National Institutes of Health suggests applying a mixture of a drop of white vinegar and a drop of alcohol to the ear after swimming or showering to prevent ear infection. The acid from the vinegar and the alcohol will inhibit growth of bacteria.
According to Larry Davis, biochemist and Diving Safety Coordinator at the University of Michigan, white vinegar used every day after diving can prevent swimmer's ear. Davis recommends tilting your head on its side, filling the ear canal with white vinegar, then tilting the head again to drain the canal.
Ear Wax
The University of Florida College of Medicine suggests using a mixture of equal parts white vinegar and warm tap water to clear ear wax impaction. Bend over a sink and use a rubber bulb syringe to irrigate the ear with the mixture.