Home Remedy for Brown Spots on Skin
Horseradish may not be thought of as a medicinal herb, but it has a few applications such as the ability to fade brown spots and freckles. Treat brown spots with a horseradish paste applied directly to the skin. Make the paste with one grated piece of horseradish about 4 inches long; combine with 1/4 cup of apple cider vinegar. Put it in small glass container and allow to sit for two weeks. After two weeks, strain the mixture and apply with a cotton ball to the affected area three times a day. Store the mixture in the refrigerator.
Lemons have mild bleaching abilities and can help to fade brown spots. The citric acid in lemons helps to bleach away and destroy the very top layer of skin. While it will take some time, you can start to notice a gradual fading of dark spots after a few months. Simply cut up some lemon, and rub the slices over your brown spots two to three times a day until you notice results. Likewise, you can saturate a cotton ball with some lemon juice and apply to the affected area a couple of times a day.
Aloe Vera Gel
Aloe vera has long been used to treat all kinds of skin conditions and irritations. Rub the gel or juice on the affected area twice a day for results. You should notice some improvement within a month.
Castor Oil
Castor oil has strong healing properties and can be used effectively to treat brown spots. Simply saturate a cotton ball with castor oil and apply to the affected area once in the morning and once at night. You should see some results in about a month.
Red Onion
Red onions have a similar bleaching effect as lemons. Simply slice up some red onion and rub the slices over the affected area two to three times a day. The acidic nature of red onions works as a peeling effect on the skin, burning and bleaching off the top layer.