Effective Massage for Skin Rejuvenation
The benefits of dry skin brushing are numerous and extensive. Brushing the skin helps shed dead skin cells and encourages the renewal of new cells, thereby resulting in a smoother, softer texture. The life cycle of your epidermis is 24 hours, so skin brushing daily is important to prevent pore clogging and dull skin.
Brushing the skin increases circulation. This increased blood flow to the skin aids in the elimination of toxins through the pores as well as helps move lymph through the lymphatic system to drain it. The lymphatic system is an important part of the body's immune system, so keeping the lymph moving keeps your immune system strong.
Dry skin brushing also encourages tightening of the skin because of the increased blood flow. Improving circulation to the skin may also reduce cellulite, which is simply an accumulation of toxins in fat cells that aren't able to be eliminated naturally. Brushing breaks down these toxic deposits and helps flush them out.
Skin brushing invigorates the nervous system---which consists of cells, tissues and organs and regulates the body's response to stimuli---by stimulating the nerve endings in the skin and improving its function. And when the nerve endings are stimulated, it encourages muscle tone by causing the muscle fibers to move.
How To Brush
Purchase a natural bristle brush (at any health food store)---nothing too coarse or too soft---and with a handle if possible. You should feel the pressure when stroking your skin, but not pain. Do this daily on your dry skin before you shower:
Using long strokes in the direction towards your heart, brush your entire body, giving each section four strokes. Start with the bottom of the foot and work your way up the leg, both front and back. Do the other leg. Then brush from your hand up to your shoulder, including the armpit. Do the other arm. Brush your stomach in a circular motion, moving clockwise, then your breasts, also clockwise (be very gentle here). Brush downward on your chest and neck, toward the heart, and be very gentle as the skin is quite sensitive here. Reach over your shoulder to your back and stroke downward (this is where the brush's handle comes in handy). Reach behind you and brush upward on your buttocks and lower back. If the brush is soft enough, gently brush your face in circular motions.
Avoid brushing over cuts, rashes or bruises. When you're done, shower to remove the dead skin cells and other impurities and prevent clogging your pores. At the end of your shower, blast yourself with cold water to close your pores and continue to stimulate blood circulation.