Mycotoxins Detox Treatment
Health Effects
The poisoning associated with prolonged exposure to mycotoxins is mycotoxicoses. The inhalation, ingestion or skin contact with mycotoxins can lead to many adverse health effects, ranging from initial immune-system-suppression and body response to toxins to a long-term carcinogenic effect.
The symptoms that an individual displays from mycotoxicoses will depend on the type of mycotoxin, the concentration of the mycotoxin exposed to, the length of exposure and the individual's personal characteristics like their age and previous health problems. Initial health problems such as vitamin and caloric deficiency, alcohol abuse and infectious diseases can compound the effect of the mycotoxins. Effects of mycotoxins include the inhibition of protein synthesis, inhibition of the ability of lungs to clear particulates out and increased sensitivity to bacteria.
Herbal Cleanse
There are many different herbs that you can incorporate into your diet to help flush mycotoxins out of your system. The simplest addition to your food is garlic which is not only easy to find but also simple to incorporate into your existing recipes. Garlic is a natural antifungal and helps kill mycotoxins in your body.
Other herbs that you could consider adding to your food include cascara sagrada, psyllium, goldenseal, licorice root and dandelion. Although these herbs may sound exotic and foreign, this mycotoxin detox could be a great time to try out new recipes. Also, because the toxins will be flushed from your body through your bowels, be prepared to be going to the bathroom a lot and don't schedule to go out soon after eating.
During the mycotoxin detox treatment, you should be sure to drink lots of water and other fluids. This not only helps flush the toxins from your body, but it also helps to rehydrate you. The rehydration is important because you will be losing a lot of body fluid in the detoxification process.
Although the herbs help loosen the mycotoxins from your system, it is really the water that helps flush them out and get rid of them once and for all. Although you should definitely be drinking more than the recommended eight cups a day, also don't over hydrate yourself because this can lead to you feeling bloated and sick. Drinking non-caffeinated tea can also help you drink more water by breaking up the monotony.