Enzyme Therapy for Back Pain
One of the enzymes that are used in the treatment of back pain is bromelain and it is found mainly in pineapple. This is a natural enzyme and can be used also for digestive purposes and well as an immune system stimulant. It has anti-inflammatory properties that allows it to reduce the inflammation and swelling in patients with back pain.
Adults can take up to 250 mg of this enzyme a day but should be taken in between meals on an empty stomach otherwise it will not take effect. Children can also use this but in much lower doses. Those between 2 and 5 years can take up to 50 or 60 mg; those between 6 and 12 can use up to 100 or 125 mg; and those that are from 12 to 17 years old can take between 160 and 180 mg per day.
This comes from the papaya fruit and is used somewhat for digestive purposes in the tolerance of gluten and with the absorption of proteins. This is however another enzyme that reduces swelling and inflammation because of other qualities that it has.
Adults can take up to 1,800 mg three times a day. Those aged 2 to 5 can consume between 450 and 500 mg while those aged 6 to12 can take between 900 and 1,000 mg. Teenagers ages 13 to 17 years can take between 1,350 and 1,500 mg three times a day. These should be taken in between meals on an empty stomach with a glass of water.
Pancreatin is taken from the pancreas of animals and is used research on degenerative disabilities. While is has digestive aid properties, it too has anti-inflammatory properties that reduce smelling and inflammation for those who suffer from back pain.
Adults can take one 300 mg capsule up to three times a day. Children from ages 2 to 5 can take up to 75 mg; those from 6 to12 years can consume up to 150 mg, and teenagers ages 13 to 17 can take up to 225 mg. Any of these enzymes should be taken carefully and with the knowledge of your health care professional.