Leaky Gut Syndrome and HGH
LGS is basically caused by the inflammation of the gut lining, which is caused by a number of factors: antibiotics (causing an overgrowth of flora in the intestinal tract); food and beverages contaminated with parasites; enzyme deficiencies; prescription corticosteroids; high refined carbohydrate diet (junk food); prescription hormones (birth control pills); and mold and fungal mytoxins (found in stored unprocessed foods and refined carbohydrates). The gut lining is extremely thin and when inflamed the cells separate allowing foreign substances to get through that would ordinarily be blocked. When this happens, your system becomes polluted with waste and your immune system goes into high gear to fight the foreign substances.
Partially digested food gets into the bloodstream and becomes the target of the immune response. The food eaten for health and well being becomes an antigen or allergen and the body develops food allergies. The antigen/allergens cause a variety of illnesses including: arthritis, chronic fatigue, immune disorders, kidney disorders, liver disorders, Lupus, multiple sclerosis and thyroid disorders. The immune system becomes overwhelmed fighting the food that leaks through to the bloodstream, so it can't deal with other problems. These other problems grow worse and your health declines.
LGS goes through stages. The first stage is the development of food allergies. Once a food allergy develops exposure to it, it significantly increases the permeability of the intestinal lining. The second stage is malnutrition, caused by an increase in para-cellular absorption and a simultaneous decrease in trans-cellular absorption which is how nutrients are absorbed. The third stage is bacterial dysbiosis. This "is a state in which disease or dysfunction is induced by organisms of low intrinsic virulence that alter the metabolic or immunologic responses of their host," according to Dr. Leo Galland. The fourth stage is hepatic stress, in which the liver has to work extra hard to remove macromolecules and other toxins from your system.
Reversal of LGS
Reversing LGS is difficult. The treatment revolves around altering the diet and taking various supplements. The diet must be as hypoallergenic as possible. Anything and everything that is irritating to the stomach must be eliminated, such as: caffeine, alcohol, dairy products, grains containing gluten and high fat foods. Natural antibiotics, antiparasitics and antifungal are needed depending on the type of infection you have. HGH may be too dangerous for someone with LGS because hormones are broken down by the good bacteria in the intestines and with LGS the good bacteria are usually killed off. If you take HGH and it is not absorbed properly, you will reabsorb the HGH and cause growth to occur that you do not want (i.e., tumors).
People suffering from LGS should eat several small meals instead of three large meals and chew their food more thoroughly to help with digestion. Supplements should include: lactobacillus acidophilu; bifidus; chicory; the dahlia plant and/or burdock root. Other supplements that are helpful include: natural digestive enzymes, essential fatty acids, antioxidants and plant extracts. There are now all in one hypoallergenic formulations designed for LGS that contains the necessary nutrients for treatment that are available through natural health practitioners.
The Outcome
Reversing LGS takes a long time and in some cases it may never be reversed or the damage and other illnesses that it causes may never be resolved. Some people must stop eating certain types of foods for years because of food allergies and other issues. In the end, there is no guarantee of a cure, but the effort is definitely worth making because of the dire health consequences of LGS. Also the use of HGH should be limited to after the LGS is cleared up, so that it will work the way it is supposed to and help repair cellular damage.