Light Therapy for Sleep Disorder

Sleep disturbances can leave one feeling severely tired and dragging throughout the day. Light therapy is a newer approach to healing, although the sun's rays that it simulates has been giving us gentle healing from the beginning of time. This type of treatment has helped many people with depression, sleeping disorders, and fatigue.
  1. Sleeping Disorders

    • Sleeping disorders are quite common and usually entail an inability to fall asleep, waking in the middle of the night, or restless sleep. This lack of proper sleep patterns can be caused by your body's circadian rhythms being off, which signals to the brain to release melatonin at the incorrect time. When this happens, it tells the body to sleep and be awake at the wrong times of the day. When sleeping disturbances occur, one's energy level diminishes and normal daily functioning is impaired.

    Light Therapy

    • Light therapy, also known as phototherapy, is used to stimulate the serotonin, dopamine, and melatonin neurotransmitters in your brain by emitting light that mimics the natural light that comes from the sun. When this special light comes into contact with the skin and receptors in the eyes, it is supposed to reset the body's circadian clock and bodily rhythms. This helps to put your body back on a normal schedule, telling it when to be preparing to sleep and when to be awake. It reduces depression, fatigue, and the unexplained craving for carbohydrates by balancing out the body's rhythms and hormone levels.


    • In a light therapy session, light is emitted from special bulbs that are constructed into a light box. Timing of light exposure is the key; 45 to 60 minutes daily will help to reset your body's clock, but this light exposure must be done during the day, preferably in the morning upon waking.


    • During the winter months, go for a walk outside if possible, even if it is cloudy. This will expose you to some natural sun rays. Open window blinds and skylights if possible. In addition to light therapy, make sure to incorporate a healthy diet to ensure proper nutrients are nourishing the body, take up a regular exercise regimen and try to stick to a regular sleep schedule as much as you can.


    • Check the label warnings on any medications or herbal supplements you are taking to see if they are light sensitive. Light therapy should not be used while taking these kinds of medications or supplements.

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