Home Remedy for Infected Nasal Passages
Use inhalants of eucalyptus essential oil to break up and clear clogged sinuses. Place a few drops of eucalyptus essential oil on a tissue, and breathe in the vapors. Make a compress using one or two drops of menthol essential oil and one or two drops of eucalyptus oil on a clean, cotton cloth. Fold and place directly over your nose for five minutes, breathing in the vapors. Repeat as often as desired.
Herbal Home Remedies
Boost your immune system by taking echinacea supplements. Look for echinacea in health food stores. Echinacea has strong antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, making it useful in treating sinus infections. Follow dosing instructions on the bottle carefully. Marshmallow, ginger and clove teas can also offer some relief for sinus infections.
Home Remedies
Inhale steam from a vaporizer, a humidifier, even a steaming cup of coffee or hot tea. The action of the steam can help relieve congestion. Use warm compresses on your nose to open up the sinuses. Drink plenty of liquids to combat dehydration associated with sinus infection.
Nutrition and Diet
A healthy diet that includes fruits and leafy green vegetables can help stimulate secretions and break up sinusitis. Try adding the following supplements to your diet as well: 500 mg. vitamin C every 2 hours for the duration of your infection, 25,000 IU of vitamin A per day, and zinc lozenges (consult a nutritionist for dose).