Brain-Building Games
Stimulate the brain every day by engaging in thinking activities. Try to learn something new every day--vocabulary in a new language, a new skill, or new learning possibilities. Brain cells can be stimulated from doing a New York Times crossword puzzle or by playing Memory with a deck of cards. Take advantage of video games available on the Internet or local video stores. Such games provide interactive fun and improve hand-eye coordination while at the same time barraging our brain with new tasks.
Brain Puzzles
Play games that offer entertainment and stimulate memorization skills, such as word games, math games or puzzles, brain twisters, Sudoku, chess and checkers. Such games are known to improve attention and memory and offer a good, healthy brain workout on a daily basis. Memory pattern or card games increase spatial recall while other games help the brain focus on retaining attention, focus or reasoning.
Problem Solving
Engage in problem-solving games, even if you don't like reasoning or math. These are especially helpful brain-building games for those who typically avoid reasoning games due to lack of patience or ability, because such games focus on reasoning skills that help keep brain cells active and functioning at optimal levels. Challenge the brain by engaging in thinking games or tasks that you usually don't do for optimal benefits. You don't have to win every game you play, or come up with the right answer every time. It's the thinking process that's good for your brain. You have to exercise your brain just like you would any other muscle in the body in order for it to work longer, harder and better for you for years to come.