Alternative Medicine for Narrow-Angle Glaucoma
Nutritional Supplements
Using certain nutritional supplements can improve eye health in general. Antioxidants protect certain enzymes responsible for protecting eye tissue from being destroyed. Lutein and zeaxanthin are the two supplements best known for eye health. Take two to six mg daily of lutein and one to 10 mg daily of xeathin. Omega-3 fatty acids like those found in fish oil combat inflammation. Take one to two capsules or 1 tbsp. daily. Talk to your doctor about this treatment if you take blood-thinning medications, including aspirin You can also obtain these beneficial substances from diet. Rich supplies of lutein and zeaxanthin can be found in red, yellow and orange fruits and vegetables as well as dark, leafy greens. Omega-3 fatty acids are abundant in cold-water fish like salmon, walnuts and flaxseed.
Vitamin C, coenzyme Q10 and alpha-lipoic acid all provide antioxidant support; take 500 to 1,000 mg daily of vitamin C, 100 to 200 mg of Q10 at bedtime and 25 to 50 mg of alpha-lipoic acid twice a day. Melatonin is a powerful antioxidant and can also help you fall asleep at night; take 2 to 5 mg before bed.
Herbal Therapy
Certain herbal supplements promote eye health. Consult with a professional health care provider before taking herbal supplements. Bilberry is an herb known for promoting healthy vision; take 80 mg three times a day. Ginkgo (40 to 80 mg three times a day) and green tea (250 to 500 mg daily) are powerful antioxidants.
Homeopathic Remedies
Homeopathy is a very individualized form of medicine that takes many factors into account besides the main condition when determining treatment; these factors include very specific things like personality and emotional state. If you are interested in using homeopathic remedies as part of a natural treatment strategy, your best bet is to consult with a professional homeopath to design a personalized regimen. The following treatments can address symptoms of glaucoma (use as directed on the label): Phosphorus can treat vertigo, physostigma eases spasms and spigelia works on sharp pains.