Threelac Candida Cure
In "The New Optimum Nutrition Bible," Patrick Holford explains that probiotics are good bacteria that the body needs in order to function properly. Probiotics are available in some foods, and they are also available as supplements. Probiotics are resistant to stomach acid and help to improve digestion, lower cholesterol, regulate hormones and build up your immune system. Probiotics are needed to treat infections, sore throats, candida infections, food poisoning, diarrhea, bladder infections and constipation. They also are excellent for alleviating symptoms associated with Crohn's disease, irritable bowel syndrome and certain cancers. Holford explains that probiotics should be consumed after a course of antibiotics, because antibiotics tend to kill off good and bad bacteria in the body; probiotic consumption can restore the natural bacterial balances in your digestive tract and body.
Threelac Ingredients
Threelac is a probiotic product that contains three different probiotics: Bacillus coagulans, Bacillus subtilis and Enterococcus faecalis. Through the consumption of Threelac, you are reintroducing healthy micro-flora into your digestive tract to rebalance the bacteria in your system. Threelac is offered in packs that contain 1.5 billion live bacteria, which are consumed to promote the health of your intestines and to fend off Candida albicans overgrowth: the primary cause of candida.
Holford explains that Bacillus coagulans is resistant to stomach acid, can thrive in the stomach and intestines for seven days, and is a primary probiotic used in infection defense. This probiotic also helps to control gastrointestinal issues and to repair digestive conditions, lowers your cholesterol and boosts your immune system.
Bacillus subtilis is another probiotic that is a soil organism that fights off microorganisms that develop in the intestines. However, not everyone agrees on the helpfulness of Bacillus subtilis. In "Probiotics for Crohn's and Colitis," Peter Cartwright explains that Bacillus subtilis is an aerobe organism, meaning that it requires oxygen for its survival, and that while the organism is resistant to stomach acid, it cannot thrive in the intestinal tract.
Threelac also contains Enterococcus faecalis, a probiotic that is naturally present in your digestive tract. Cartwright explains that Enterococcus faecalis is a group of bacteria that include Lactobacillus, a lactic acid-producing bacteria. Cartwright argues that there have been no studies conducted on Enterococcus in regard to how well it works in treating irritable bowel disease, but Enterococcus faecalis is useful in treating diarrhea.
Threelac Use
Consume Threelac one to two times daily for candida defense. Consume Threelac by eating the mixture right out of the packet, or mix the ingredients in the packet with a cup of cold water. The packets can be consumed on an empty stomach or with a meal, and should be consumed for a period of 60 days. If you are consuming two packets a day, after 60 days, reduce to one packet per day to continue probiotic maintenance.