Natural Cancer Therapy
The Benefits of Natural Cancer Therapy
Natural cancer therapy has been around for hundreds, even thousands of years. Patients have found natural cancer therapies to treat the whole person, not just the disease, offering a greater insight into causes and remedies. Many of the natural therapies have been proven to have an immediate effect in relieving pain, and reducing the side effects from conventional treatments such as chemotherapy.
According to the Mayo Clinic, studies have shown acupuncture to reduce pain in people with cancer. One study showed that people treated with acupuncture were able to reduce their pain medication or eliminate it altogether. Another study indicated that acupuncture was extremely effective in relieving the nausea and vomiting that is associated with chemotherapy.
Mind-body Therapies
Mind-body therapies are not invasive making them safer than other types of treatment. Acupuncture is included in this category. Also included is aromatherapy, the use of fragrant oils, believed to positively affect the mood. Other types of mind-body therapies are healing touch therapy (believed to transmit forces that improve energy flow), massage therapy, hypnosis, reflexology, and art and music therapy.
Guided Imagery
Guided imagery is the thought process that invokes the use of our senses. Sometimes referred to as visualization, cultures throughout the ages have used it as a healing tool. Modern-day research has proven that mental images can produce biochemical, physiological and immunological changes in the body that affect health. Guided imagery provides benefits and has virtually no risks.
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)
Traditional Chinese medicine, is a medical system long rooted in the ancient Chinese philosophy of Taoism. In addition to acupuncture, which has been used successfully with conventional treatments, TCM has used herbs to shrink tumors, reduce side effects and greatly improve the response to conventional treatments. Other types of cancer therapies include acupressure, moxibustion (also known as cupping), massage and manipulation, and Qigong.
Spirituality can take the form of meditation, religious observances and belief in a higher power. For some it can be found in music, art, nature or a secular community. Many believe in the power of prayer. The Mayo Clinic has only recentlystarted examining the effectiveness of prayer in health settings However, some studies have indicated that there has been a change in the progression of the disease when prayer is used.