What Are the Benefits of Propolis Honey?

Propolis is sometimes called "bee glue" because it is used by bees to seal their hives to protect against microorganisms and invaders. Propolis isn't actually honey, but a combination of plant resins (sap) and bees' own secretions. Propolis has many of the same health benefits as raw honey. However, pasteurizing destroys most of the healthy components of both honey and propolis.
  1. Benefits

    • Propolis can protect against colon cancer, boost the immune system, treat burns, increase female fertility, protect the bowels and liver and speed up healing time, particularly for dental procedures.


    • The active ingredients in propolis are flavonoids, terpenes, benzoic acid, caffeic acid, phenolic acids and cinnamic acids.

    Colon Cancer

    • The compounds in propolis block the creation of two specific enzymes--phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C and lipoxygenase--that cancer cells in the colon need to develop and thrive.

    Other Properties

    • Propolis also has strong antiviral, antimicrobial and antifungal properties.


    • Propolis is collected by beekeepers. They build attachments to the bee boxes that the bees are compelled to "seal" to protect the hive. After the bees seal the area, the beekeeper removes the propolis.

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