How to Get Rid of Black Moles on the Face

Black moles on the face are often a cause for embarrassment. They can make people look older than they are and can cause problems with self-esteem. Removing these moles can be a long process if done at home and, before any attempt is made to remove any mole, it should be looked at by a doctor in case the mole is cancerous. Assuming your doctor has declared your moles harmless, how do you go about removing them? One way is surgery, either by the doctor or a plastic surgeon. The other, less expensive way, is to try one or more home remedies for facial moles.

Things You'll Need

  • Fresh garlic cloves
  • Tea cup
  • Metal spoon
  • Raw onions
  • Rock salt
  • Apple cider
  • Cotton swabs
  • Bandages
  • Vitamin E oil
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  1. Removing Black Face Moles With Garlic

    • 1

      Crush a clove of garlic in a tea cup using the back of a spoon. Take your time and crush it well until the clove is primarily juice. Use a cotton swab to apply a generous amount of the garlic juice to the mole on your face and cover the mole with a bandage to hold the juice in place. Leave the bandage and the juice on your mole for 10 hours, then remove the bandage and gently wash your face with warm water.

    • 2

      Repeat Step 1 each day for 10 days. At the end of 10 days the mole should be drying up and should appear ready to fall off. If so, gently rub the dry mole with a cotton swab until it falls off.

    • 3

      Using your cotton swab, dab on a generous amount of vitamin E oil and cover with a bandage for 12 hours. At the end of 12 hours remove the bandage and gently wash with warm water and soap. Reapply the vitamin E oil and bandage and leave on for an additional 12 hours. Repeat this process for three days. This should reduce or eliminate any scarring.

    Removing Black Face Moles With Onion and Rock Salt

    • 4

      Crush 1/4 of a raw onion in a tea cup with the back of a spoon until the onion is primarily juice. Add 1/2 teaspoon of rock salt and stir until most of the salt has dissolved.

    • 5

      Apply this mixture directly to your mole using a cotton swab and cover with a bandage. Leave on overnight. Remove bandage and gently wash face with soap and water. Repeat this procedure every day for 10 days.

    • 6

      Gently rub the now-dry mole with a cotton swab until it falls off. Rub on a liberal amount of vitamin E with a cotton swab and cover with a bandage overnight. Repeat the vitamin E application each day for seven days to reduce scarring.

    Removing Black Face Moles With Apple Cider Vinegar

    • 7

      Apply apple cider vinegar to your mole with a cotton swab and cover with a bandage over night then remove the bandage and wash with warm soapy water. Dry and reapply the apple cider vinegar and cover with a bandage.

    • 8

      Repeat this process each day for 10 days until the mole is dry and ready to fall off.

    • 9

      Gently rub the mole with a cotton swab until it falls off and then apply vitamin E and cover with a bandage over night. remove bandage and wash face, then reapply the vitamin E and bandage and continue this process for seven days to reduce scarring.

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