How to Maintain an Alkaline Body

In recent years, the importance of acid/alkaline balance has come to the forefront. Many illnesses have been linked to excess acid in the body and the nutritional solution has garnered even more attention. The western diet by default is decidedly acidic. Altering eating habits to make the body more alkaline is one thing but it is difficult to know how to maintain a basic pH going forward. Whatever you eat or drink will be either acidic or basic. Water is the only neutral nutritional substance known to man. Learning which foods and drinks are more acidic or basic will help you successfully keep your body's PH in sync. Talk to your doctor to devise a tactic for keeping an alkaline pH. "Being alkaline" means a body pH of more than 7.

Things You'll Need

  • Equipment for testing pH
  • Notepad
  • Raw fruits and vegetables
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      Acquire pH testing equipment in the form of pH strips, a pH meter or some other way to measure your pH to see your status.

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      Learn which foods are acidic or alkaline by downloading or purchasing an acid/alkaline food chart.

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      Eat more raw fruits and vegetables. Avoid all meats except for wild game, such as venison, and fish.

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      Keep away from alcohol and coffee as these will make your body more acidic.

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      Take up meditation or yoga. Deep breathing decreases the amount of acid in your body.

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