Home Treatment for Trigeminal Neuralgia Symptoms
Hot/Cold Therapy
The erratic behavior of the compressed trigeminal nerve can sometime be released through application of hot and cold compresses. Take a small plastic sandwich bag and fill it with ice cubes before sealing it tightly. Then, wet a medium sized towel in the microwave for three minutes. While it cools, apply the cold compress to the side of the face where the pain is prominent and hold it there for three minutes. Next, apply the hot towel to the area and repeat for the same time length. Alternate the two procedures and eventually the pain will subside.
Cranial Sacral Therapy
A gentle hands on method is also available for suffers of trigeminal neuralgia. Cranial sacral therapy detects and releases any blockages between the brain and spinal cord and corrects these imbalances. Working with a licensed practitioner, this technique can alleviate a wide variety of sensory or neurological dysfunctions. Lightly pressing the trigger point between the temporal and mandibular joint and massaging the other facial muscles can also quicken relief.
Herbs/Essential Oils & Homeopathy
Nerve disorders usually require some quantity of fatty acids to have an anti-inflammatory affect on the body. A quick way to achieve this is by directly applying evening primrose oil and taking magnesium supplements. Many people have successfully relieved pain and spasms with the preparation of herbal teas. Try adding one tablespoon of St. John Wort, lavender and skullcap to your favorite decaffeinated herbal tea and drinking the concoction twice a day. Rubbing the area with peppermint oil has a wonderful anesthetic effect. The sedative herb vervain can be applied as a hot or cold compress. Herbs that promote circulation to the area are burdock, chamomile and devil's claw. All can be ingested through capsule form or prepared as tea.
The use of homeopathic prescriptions is extremely useful in treating trigeminal neuralgia. Depending on the intensity or when sudden pain appears, a dosage of Aconite is highly recommended to calm severe nerve impulses. An alternative used to treat a "prolonged stabbing" sensation is spigelia. Both can easily be found at your local heath food store, saving you tons in traditional medical prescriptions without side effects.