Chlorella to Detox Mercury
Chlorella Defined
Chlorella is an algae that consists of phytoplankton: aquatic plants that are derived from plankton and that are free floating plants. It also contains vitamin B12, vitamin C, vitamin A, protein, iron, and 19 different amino acids. When used to detoxify the body, chlorella helps to deactivate heavy metals like mercury, lead, and cadmium and flushes them from your system naturally. The algae are available in many forms including liquids, powders, capsules and tablets.
How Chlorella Works
In The Female Hormone Journey, author Pamela Levin explains how chlorella works in your body to eliminate mercury accumulations. Chlorella is a single cell algae identified as a super food that is rich in chlorophyll and that acts as a chelator for heavy metals. Chlorella works by attracting and binding to mercury and other heavy metal toxins that accumulate in your body. You then pass the mercury and chlorella through your feces and urine. This supplement is perfect for the elimination of mercury, cadmium, arsenic, dichloro diphenyl trichloroethane (DDT), polychlorinated byphenyl (PCB), Kepone and other pesticides and insecticides.
In the book "Chlorella Extract," author Toshihiro Kanno explains how chlorella is useful for the elimination of mercury accumulations. The consumption of chlorella at a dosage of 4.5 g per day for three months will help your body eliminate mercury accumulations, diminish issues related to malnutrition, diminish issues with lack of sensitivity and numbness, and increase the production of serum proteins, red blood cells and hemoglobin in your body.
Safety Considerations
Breastfeeding women and pregnant women should not use chlorella; there have been no studies performed on how chlorella affects the unborn fetus or the nursing child. If you are allergic to iodine, you should not use chlorella. Side effects associated with chlorella include nausea and bloating, which should diminish after a couple of days of use. Photosensitivity occurs in some individuals. Do not use this supplement if you're taking Coumadin; chlorella is rich in Vitamin K and may affect Coumadin's blood-clotting abilities. Stop using chlorella if you experience a rash or respiratory difficulties and contact your physician for further instruction.