About Magnet Therapy and Back Pain
Back Pain
Back pain may result from a problem in the muscles, such as a strain or tear. Lack of exercise and stress can cause muscle stiffening. Out of place bones, arthritis or disk problems can also result in acute and chronic back pain.
Pain with Magnets
When magnets are placed on the skin, usually with ordinary adhesive bandages, capillary walls relax so that blood can flow and release the pain. Muscle spasms can be the cause of back pain, and magnets can calm and prevent them. Although pain medications can help the pain, they can also have side effects and don't get to the root of the problem. Magnets don't have any side effects and can heal the root of the problem.
Studies Show Positive Results
A study published in the Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation discovered that real magnets were more effective than placebo magnets at controlling pain caused by postpolio syndrome. Three-quarters of the patients who used the magnets enjoyed relief from the pain, while only 18 percent who used the fake magnets got relief. Another study at Tufts University School of Medicine in Boston revealed that magnets offer relief to people with fibromyalgia, which is a chronically painful condition.
Other Studies Show Magnets Have No Effect
A study at the New York College of Podiatric Medicine discovered that magnets did not have any effect on pain. Of both the control group and the placebo group 60 percent reported improvement. Another study in 2000 found no effect using magnets to treat back pain, and yet another study at the University of Virginia revealed that patients with fibromyalgia had no relief from magnets. Most scientist and doctors believe there is little evidence to support magnet therapy.
It's Worth a Try
There are studies to show that magnets are both helpful and not helpful. For those with chronic back pain, it is worth a try, since it is a natural and safe option. While some magnets cost up to $900.00, they can cost as little as $5.00. It is best to not spend a lot of money to just try it out. A coin-shaped magnet made of the rare earth metal neodymium-boron is a good magnet that doesn't cost a lot of money.