Home Remedies to Get Rid of Wrinkles
Flax Seed Oil
Flax seed oil has compounds in it that help to moisturize the skin. Mix 1 tbsp. of flax seed oil into something you eat on a daily basis. Cooking destroys its healing properties, so use it straight from the bottle, and add it to salad dressing, pasta dishes or vegetables. Use fresh, cold-pressed oil that is refrigerated, and keep it in a dark glass bottle. Better-quality oil has a nutty flavor.
Homemade Mask
Make a homemade mask by using fruits that contain natural acids. Apples, strawberries and grapes are examples of fruits that contain acids that help to loosen the outer, dead layer of skin. Make your own mask by mixing together 1 tbsp. of mashed fruit with 1 tbsp. of whole wheat flour, 1 tbsp. of water, 1/2 tbsp. of cornmeal, and a few drops of jojoba or peanut oil. Massage the mask into just washed skin, and let dry for 30 minutes. Rinse with cool water.
Papaya is another fruit that contains strong acids that help to rejuvenate the skin. The acids in papaya are called proteolytic enzymes, which are compounds that break down protein. Typically this fruit is used as a digestive catalyst, but it can also help polish the skin by dissolving the skin's top layer. Grind up 2 tbsp. of washed and peeled papaya. Mix with 1 tbsp. of dry oatmeal and apply to the skin. Let dry for 10 minutes. Lightly scrub the mixture off with an upward, outward motion. The oatmeal will help to remove debris from the skin, while the papaya reveals a fresh, new layer of skin. Use this treatment every two weeks for optimal effect.
Witch Hazel and Lavender Toner
Make a soothing toner to tighten and refresh your skin. Add six drops of lavender essential oil to 4 oz. of witch hazel. Witch hazel contains high level of tannins, which help to tighten the skin and will lessen the appearance of fine wrinkles. Apply to the skin using your fingertips, gently massaging into problem areas.