Who Benefits From Massage?
Medical Massage
If a patient is suffering from a disease or illness that may benefit from massage, physicians will often make a referral to a medical massage therapist. Medical massage combines multiple techniques that aim to improve conditions that have been diagnosed by a physician and will focus the massage only on the area of the body that correlates with the diagnosis. Medical massage technicians specialize in illness and injury.
Geriatric Massage
Geriatric massage therapists recognize the limitations of working with an elderly population and are trained in proper massage techniques. The length of the massage is shorter than a typical session and attention is paid to conditions associated with advanced age, such as sensitive skin and mental illness. Geriatric massage is beneficial to the elderly, providing pain relief and relaxation to patients residing in nursing homes and assisted living facilities.
Infant Massage
The use of infant massage has become increasingly popular in recent years. Hospital neonatal units regularly rely on infant massage to encourage weight gain among premature babies. According to the Mayo Clinic, infant massage promotes growth and reduces the amount of time a premature newborn must remain in the hospital. Parents who perform infant massage report less incidence of colic and fussiness and improved sleep and neurological development.
Sports Massage
Many athletes routinely have a warm-up massage as part of their pre-game exercise to maximize flexibility, ease tension and help with focus and concentration. Sports massage helps athletes recover after the event, aiding in the healing of muscle and tendon injuries. Athletes in training utilize sports massage to restore muscles and maximize workouts while decreasing the risk of injuries associated with intense training. According to the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine, sports massage provides extreme benefits for athletes physically, psychologically and physiologically.
Animal Massage
Animals suffer from injuries, disease and stress, which has a negative effect on their bodies similar to that of humans. Equine massage is dedicated to providing massage for horses to increase flexibility, prevent injuries and improve performance. Animal massage therapists treat dogs, cats, birds and even some reptiles. They work in veterinary clinics and animal shelters, as well as police departments and with animal breeders. Benefits to animals include pain relief, increased mobility and decreased anxiety.