Home Remedy: Coffee Enemas
To perform a coffee enema you will need the following items:
• Any variety of caffeinated organic coffee, finely ground
• Clean, fresh water that is chlorine-free
• Stainless steel or glass pot
• Strainer
• Enema bag
• Old towel
• Lubricating jelly (optional)
Combine two tablespoons of coffee with one quart of fresh water in a cooking pot. If the water you are using is chlorinated, boil it for about twenty minutes prior to mixing it with the coffee. Once the water and coffee are combined in a pot, boil for five minutes, then simmer for five more minutes. Using a strainer, remove the coffee grounds from the liquid. Allow the liquid to cool to room temperature and it is ready for use.
Pour the coffee mixture into the enema bag. Be sure to allow the air within the bag to escape before clamping the bag shut. Hang the bag about two feet from the ground. If you choose to use a lubricating gel, now is the time to lubricate the anus and/or the tip of the enema bag. Lie on your side on top of an old towel. If you would prefer, you can lie on your back with your knees against your chest. With your body completely relaxed, slowly insert the tip of the enema bag into the anus. One the nozzle is in place, release the clamp on the enema bag, allowing the coffee to flow into the body. After half of the coffee from the bag is gone, close the clamp. With the enema still in place, rotate between lying on both sides and your back for about four minutes in each position. Hold your bowels for as long as you can, preferably about 12 minutes, and then use the toilet. You will then repeat the coffee enema process again, using the liquid remaining in the bag. Try to refrain from releasing the bowels a little longer the second time around, but do not exceed 12 minutes.
Once the procedure is complete, thoroughly wash the enema bag with hot water and allow it to dry completely. Be sure to sterilize the enema tube prior to each use.