Information on Kava Kava

Kava Kava is a root that is popular in Hawaii and other Pacific islands. Kava Kava is consumed both as a safe recreational alternative to alcohol, and as an alternative medication.
  1. Harvesting

    • The Kava plant is a large shrub with heart-shaped leaves. It is grown for a few years, then the plant is harvested, the roots dried and ground into a powder. The powder is then combined with just a small amount of water.

    Cultural Significance

    • Kava Kava is traditionally used in ceremonial practice as a celebratory drink for momentous occasions such as weddings and festivals.

    Medicinal Uses

    • Kava Kava is used to reduce stress and anxiety, and in Polynesia is encouraged as a substitute for alcohol because it does not inspire aggressive behavior.


    • According to, Kava Kava should not be consumed during pregnancy or if you suffer from depression. Kava Kava may increase the effects of alcohol and other drugs.


    • The Kava plant was domesticated 3,000 years ago in the Pacific islands of Vanuatu.

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