Natural Ways to Cure Alcohol Addiction
Herbal Treatments
Always consult your doctor before taking these or any other supplements.
The herb kudzu discourages alcohol consumption by creating nausea, swelling and facial redness when taken before drinking. Take 10 mg three times a day. Milk thistle, a well-studied herb for liver disorders, prevents and treats cirrhosis and other liver conditions. Take 600 mg daily. Milk thistle can cause mild diarrhea when first taken. Reishi prevents fatty liver and cirrhosis. Take 3,000 mg three times daily. Soy lecithin encourages liver-cell regeneration and protects it from toxins. Take 3,000 mg daily. Dandelion is commonly used for liver disorders because of its detoxifying properties. It can also help with withdrawal symptoms. Take the tincture as directed on the label.
Homepathic Remedies
According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, there have not been many studies on how homeopathic remedies treat alcoholism. However, the following treatments are commonly used by homeopaths based on their clinical experience. Homeopathy, like traditional Chinese medicine, often looks at particular symptoms in addition to the main condition when suggesting treatments. These remedies should be taken as directed on the product label.
Arsenicum album eases anxiety and compulsiveness. It is most useful if you are experiencing nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Nux vomica reduces irritability and compulsiveness accompanied by constipation, nausea and vomiting. Lachesis lessens cravings for alcohol, headaches and trouble swallowing. Staphysagria is used to treat angry individuals who bottle up their emotions and have suffered physical, sexual or psychological abuse in the past.
Other Suggestions
The University of Maryland Medical Center reviewed several studies that examined acupuncture as a treatment for alcoholism, and found some studies that concluded it could be an effective method for reducing cravings and easing symptoms of withdrawal. This should be used in conjunction with other treatments and not on its own. A study led by W.E. Sevrus, published in the April 1999 Archives of General Psychiatry, found that taking omega-3 fatty acids eased depression. These fatty acids can be found in black currant oil, evening primrose oil, flaxseed oil and fish oil. Take as directed on the product label.