ADHD Alternative Medication
Natural Medicines
Rather that turning directly to Ritalin, individuals can look to natural and herbal treatments for ADHD. According to Natural Medicine for ADHD, some of the most effective herbs to treat ADHD are: "gingko biloba, skullcap, chamomile, gotu kola, and avena sativa." These herbal medicines calm the nervous system so that patients are able to focus on the task at hand without being constantly distracted by wandering thoughts and hyperactivity. Herbal treatments are a good alternative to pharmaceuticals because they do not have any adverse side effects or the health risks associated with Ritalin use.
Controlling the diet of an individual suffering from ADHD is another approach to treating and curing ADHD. Aside from reducing the intake of sugar and empty calories in those afflicted by ADHD it is important to consume the right foods to replace those calories. Foods that are high in fatty acids such as Omega-3 and Omega-6 are used to build nerve and brain tissues and as such support healthy growth and brain function. Foods that are rich in Omega-6 include vegetable oils and margarine. Foods that are rich in Omega-3 include flax seed, salmon, mackerel, and sardines.
When used in conjunction with a well-balanced diet and herbal supplements, exercise can play an important role in controlling ADHD. Rather than allowing children to spend copious amounts of time in front of the television, computer, or video games it is crucial that they spend an adequate amount of time outside playing sports and exercising. Physical exercise helps children to stay fit and reduces the possibility that they will eat unhealthy foods out of boredom. It also helps to reduce the free radicals in the body and simply allows them to be more focused because they have less energy welling up inside of them.
Get an Expert Opinion
In order to create the right combination of herbal remedies, diet, and exercise for a child with ADHD it is important to consult a homeopathic doctor, physician and nutritionist. Working together a child's advocates can create a specialized plan to nurture the child and evaluate which approaches work best. It is also important to contact the child's teacher to monitor the success or failure of a particular treatment in an academic setting.
Before embarking on an alternative treatment regime for children with ADHD it is important to consult a physician. This is especially crucial before abruptly stopping any ADHD medication as it can create adverse effects and withdrawal for the child. Further, be sure to notify the child's doctor before beginning any type of herbal remedy treatments to make sure that the herbal remedy will not reduce the efficacy or conflict with other medication that the child may be taking.