How to Relieve Nausea Without Medication
Use an acupressure band. These are easily found in your local pharmacy, and are a common treatment for motion sickness.
Use acupressure. Place your right index finger on the underside of your left wrist, about 1 1/2 inches from your hand. Apply moderate pressure for two to three minutes. Because pressure points are very small, it make take you a few times to locate the exact spot on your wrist. This form of acupressure can be repeated as needed. Another pressure point that may help relieve nausea is located between the thumb and forefinger. Again, moderate pressure for two to three minutes should help relieve that queasy feeling.
Slowly dissolve a peppermint drop in your mouth, chew a piece of peppermint gum or sip some peppermint tea. If you don't have peppermint tea, dissolve a peppermint drop in a cup of tea. Peppermint may help decrease stomach contractions that could be causing your nausea.
Take two teaspoons of any flavor non-carbonated syrup. The carbohydrates in the syrup can help calm your stomach.
Take two ginger root capsules or steep a cup of tea with a piece of fresh ginger in it. Ginger ale can also help. Ginger has been used for centuries as a natural remedy for nausea.