Alternative Medicines for Lower Blood Pressure

Lowering blood pressure through alternative medicine is an excellent approach to an increasingly prevalent predicament. High blood pressure and heart disease are one of the leading causes of death and being proactive by discovering alternative approaches to lowering blood pressure is an essential step to heart health and total body wellness.
  1. Facts

    • With the advent of the obesity epidemic and individuals leading increasingly sedentary lifestyles, high blood pressure is a major concern for many individuals. Many people choose to continue eating the same way and take prescription blood pressure medication to manage their blood pressure. There are many alternative methods to managing blood pressure that do not have the negative side-effects of traditional pharmaceuticals. They are not only effective in managing high blood pressure, but also encourage total body wellness.


    • There are three primary ways alternative medicine can be used to manage high blood pressure; through homeopathic medicine, food and lifestyle changes. Homeopathic medicine uses supplements and food rich in specific vitamins to treat high blood pressure. Some of the most frequent treatments prescribed by homeopathic medicine practitioners are potassium and magnesium. A homeopathic practitioner will either prescribe supplements or encourage patients to eat a diet that is rich in those minerals. Some foods that have proven blood pressure lowering benefits are bananas, molasses, soy and bananas.

    Herbs and Supplements

    • A homeopathic doctor may also prescribe herbs to help lower blood pressure. Some of the more frequently prescribed herbs and supplements are hawthorne, rauwolfia serpentine, calcium, vitamin C, vitamin E, coenzyme Q10 and Omega-3 Fatty Acids. These herbs and supplements work to lower blood pressure by dilating the blood vessels and helping the arterial walls remain healthy. Also increasing the intake of fiber may also help lower blood pressure when used in conjunction with other blood pressure controls such as reducing sodium intake and losing weight.


    • Exercise is a great approach to lowering blood pressure because it is healthy for everyone, provided they work up to their goals gradually and know their limits. Exercise has the capability to lower blood pressure because it makes the heart stronger. When the heart is stronger it does not have to use as much effort to pump blood throughout the body. Further, exercise is essential to weight loss which is another component of lowering blood pressure and obtaining overall health.


    • Lowering blood pressure by using alternative methods can be a great start to obtaining not only a healthier heart, but also total body wellness. However, when taking herbal supplements always be sure to check with a doctor because of potential interactions with currently prescribed medication. Further, a doctor should be consulted before stopping any existing blood pressure medication and beginning a rigorous exercise regime.

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