Natural Cures for a Bad Cold
Herbal Treatments For Strengthening the Immune System
Cat's claw helps the immune system get rid of the virus faster. Take 3,000 milligrams three times daily. Do not use this herb if you take insulin for diabetes or are pregnant or nursing. Echinacea, a principal herb in Native American medicine, quickens recovery and can help prevent colds. Take 900 milligrams daily. If you suffer from any autoimmune condition, do not use this herb. Shiitake mushroom is a well known immune stimulant. It is especially good for colds that appear after periods of stress. Take 3 grams daily in tablet form
Herbal Treatments for Combating Symptoms of A Cold
Astragalus keeps nasal passages linings from letting in rhinoviruses. Take 1,000 milligrams three times a day. If you have a fever or skin infection, do not use astragalus. Ephedra alleviates cough and congestion. Breath-Ease is an effective ephedra product. Take as directed on the label. Ephedra is an inappropriate treatment for anyone with anxiety, glaucoma, heart disease, high blood pressure, insomnia, or any sort of prostate disease.
Fenugreek and thyme help expel mucus from the nasal passages. This combination is available from Nature's Way under the name Fenu-Thyme. Take as directed on the label. Ginger tea relieves head and chest congestion and chills. Drink one cup three times daily. Horehound lozenges break up nasal congestion. Use as desired. Hyssop tea is an effective expectorant and fights viral infection. Take one cup twice a day. Kudzu is good for colds accompanied by sore neck or muscle pain. Take 10 milligrams three times a day. Tea tree oil stops a sore throat. Use 4- to 6-drops in 1 1/2-cups of water as a mouthwash. Use as often as desired. Never take this oil internally and do not use if allergic to celery.
Food and Other Supplements
At the first sign of a cold, eat two cloves of raw garlic. Garlic has very strong anti-viral properties. Taking high doses of vitamin C (ie, 2,000 to 4,000 milligrams a day) has been shown to reduce the duration of a cold by about one day. Scientific evidence on whether it helps prevent colds is mixed. Studies on the effect of zinc on colds have been mixed as well. Taking 30 milligrams daily of zinc may produce results, but this is not true for everyone. A study led by EA Belongia published in a 2001 edition of the American Journal of Medicine found that zinc nasal sprays can help reduce nasal congestion.
Other Suggestions
Aromatherapy in a form of steam inhalations is effective for soothing irritation and clearing out the nasal passages. Some beneficial oils are eucalyptus, peppermint, yarrow, German chamomile, elderberry, and lemon balm. Unless you have a fever, try to remain active. This will help loosen and expel fluids and mucus.