Herbs for Treating Asthma
Herbal Treatments
German chamomile tea is a gentle antihistamine that can prevent asthma attacks. Drink one cup two or three times daily. Coleus, a popular Ayurvedic herb, also helps prevent attacks and is suggested for people with high blood pressure. Elderberry extract alleviates nasal congestion and fever. Ginger inhibits substances that cause allergic reactions. Use in the form of hexanol extract. Green tea contains a substance called theophyline, which opens bronchial passages. Drink one cup of tea two or three times daily. If you are using an inhaler, hawthorn can help prevent tissue damage to the liver, heart and pancreas. Take 250 milligrams three times a day. Grapeseed or pinebark capsules help prevent asthma attacks triggered by airborne allergens. Taking both is not necessary. Lobelia halts inflammatory reactions to dust, smoke and chemicals. Take 1,000 milligrams three times daily for no more than two weeks at a time.
Tylophora is a natural antihistamine and antispasmodic. It has a long history of use in treating asthma. Take 250 milligrams one to three times daily. Do not use if you are pregnant, or have diabetes, high blood pressure or congestive heart failure. Khella tincture stops bronchial spasms. This herb causes sun sensitivity. Use sunblock when outside. Quercetin relaxes bronchial passages. Take 250 milligrams three times a day. Do not use quercetin if you are taking Sandimmune, Neoral, Adalat or Procardia. Scutelleria stops allergic reactions. Take 2,000 milligrams three times daily. Do not use if you have diarrhea. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, a review of studies regarding pycnogenol found it has potential to reduce symptoms and improve lung function. Take 1 milligram per pound of body weight. Do not take more than 200 milligrams.
Herbal Formulas
Arrest Wheezing Decoction treats asthma that is accompanied by coughing, large amounts of yellow mucus, fever and chills. Ephedra, apricot, kernel, gypsum and licorice decoction are good for asthma with nasal allergy. It is especially useful for people with allergies to cedar pollen.
Ephedra, asiarum and prepared aconite decoction treats chronic coughing and wheezing. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, the Japanese formula Saiboku-to has been shown to reduce symptoms and allowed those participating in the study to reduce their dosage of standard steroid treatments.
Other Suggestions
Thymus extracts can improve symptoms and shorten the duration of attacks. These extracts help the immune system fight off chemicals that cause allergic reaction. Take 750 milligrams once a day. Drink at least eight glasses of water daily to help loosen and expel phlegm. Avoid sulfites, which are preservatives found in wine and dried fruit. They cause bronchial congestion. MSG can have the same effect on people with asthma. Dr. Andrew Weil, a natural health expert, recommends experimenting with radical dietary change, such as completely eliminating sugar, long-term fasting, trying a vegan (no animal products) or a macrobiotic diet. He has had patients respond very well to these sorts of changes. Only fast under the supervision of an experienced healthcare provider.