Laser Therapy Treatment for Calcifications
Bone Spurs
Bone spurs often occur on the end of a bone or on joints that endure a lot of weight. Bone spurs are commonly located on the spine, and when they rub against other bones or nerve endings, they can cause pain. The pain can prove so extreme that your range of motion becomes limited and your lifestyle is banefully affected. People with conditions like spondylosis, spinal stenosis and osteoarthritis are more likely to develop bone spurs and calcifications. The bone spurs can be treated safely with laser therapy.
Laser Therapy Techniques
Laser therapy involves the use of low intensity lasers to remove bone spurs via a non-invasive procedure. An infrared light is used to help diminish pain and promote healing. Cold laser therapy helps promote tissue regeneration on a cellular level and encourages proper blood flow to the area where calcifications have formed. The laser therapy encourages the blood to eliminate debris that would otherwise inflame and aggravate the bone spurs. While the bone spurs might remain after cold laser therapy, the site is treated so that pain can be permanently eliminated via laser therapy treatments.
The laser generates photon energy that is absorbed by the body, promoting the release of energy to intensify cellular metabolic processes. This act further promotes normal cell functioning. Damaged issues are repaired quickly with laser therapy, and inflammation and swelling are also effectively minimized.
How Laser Therapy is Performed
Since the benefits associated with laser therapy are cumulative, patients are required to have several sessions. Anywhere from five to 20 treatments might be required from a chiropractor or a clinic offering laser therapy treatments. Each session can last from 30 to 60 minutes, depending upon the severity and pain. Low level laser therapy involves the use of infrared light at energy ranges that fall between 1 and 500 milliwatts. Cold laser therapy further involves the utilization of a subthermal laser that exposes areas of the body to the invisible light rays that promote healing. A machine like the Microlight 830 applies the infrared light in a professional medical setting.