Herbal Cure for Halitosis
Herbal Treatments
Alfalfa contains chlorophyll, which cleans the bloodstream and colon, where bad breath often starts. Take either 1,000 milligrams in tablet form three times a day or 1 tablespoon of liquid in juice or water three times a day. Barberry, coptis, golden seal, and Oregon graperoot all contain substances that kill E. coli, the most common reason for denture odor. Choose one and take three to four drops of tincture in one-quarter cup of water and use as a mouthwash every day. German chamomile tea alleviates inflammation and temporarily stops bad breath caused by gum disease. Swish one-half of a cup around the mouth and swallow twice a day. Hawthorn helps keep gum tissue healthy. Take 250 milligrams three times a day. Peppermint tea is good to drink after a meal containing offensive foods. Drink one cup. Tea tree oil toothpaste is a strong disinfectant. Turmeric tincture prevents gum decay. Use as directed on the label.
Cat's claw strengthens the immune system against H.Pylori, the bacteria that causes gastritis and peptic ulcers. This bacteria is also a potential cause of chronic halitosis. Take 1,00 milligrams three times a day. Do not use this herb if you use insulin for diabetes or if you are pregnant or nursing. Peppermint tea is good to drink after a meal containing offensive foods. Do not use peppermint if you have any gallbladder disorders. Drink one cup. Tea tree oil toothpaste is a strong disinfectant. Never use tea tree oil internally. People who are allergic to celery or thyme should not use this herb in any form.
Other Suggestions
Chewing parsley or fennel seeds is an effective way to combat bad breath after eating garlic or onions. Drink plenty of fluids since a dry mouth will intensify bad breath. Cleaning the tongue with a tongue scraper should be a routine part of oral hygiene. Do not eat foods that easily get stuck between the teeth, such as meat, stringy vegetables, and sweets. Food that gets stuck between the teeth can cause bacteria.
Important Considerations
While most cases of halitosis are not the result of anything serious, there are certain serious conditions that produce very distinctive breath odors. Breath that smells of stale beer can be indicative of tuberculosis. A rotten egg smell is typical in liver failure. Fruity smells indicate extremely high blood sugar that causes diabetic ketoacidosis. People with bronchitis often have breath that smells like rotten fish.