Asthma Relief Without Medicine
Breathing Techniques
Breathing exercises are used by asthma patients as a complementary treatment to medications or, in some less severe cases, as a sole alternative treatment. To guard against hyperventilation, one popular method to try is known as the Buteyko Technique. To learn diaphragmatic breathing, try the Papworth Method.
Daily exercise helps asthmatics tremendously. Exercise for 30 minutes each day to help strengthen the lungs and improve overall health. Light exercises like golf, walking and yoga are advised for people with asthma since these activities allow for brief intervals of rest throughout the workout.
A vegan diet has been shown to drastically reduce asthma flare-ups. A study conducted at Shou University in Taiwan found that teenagers who consumed meat were 1.5 times more likely than vegan teenagers to develop asthma. Also, Dr. Frank Oski, the chief of pediatrics at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, speculates that more than 50 percent of all children are allergic to milk and that dairy products are responsible for most allergy-triggered asthma cases. Asthmatics should try transitioning to a vegan menu, if at all possible.