Natural Cures for Ear Infection
Herbal Treatments
Any specific dosages listed are for children. Adults should multiply by four to determine their dose. For herbs that should be used as directed on the label, pay attention to dosing instructions for children and adults.
Echinacea and goldenseal can speed recovery. These two herbs are commonly available in a combination supplement. Use as directed on the label. Garlic oil placed in the ear canal helps kill bacteria. Green tea is good for children suffering from an ear infection due to either allergies or a viral infection. Take 240 milligrams once a day. Muellein oil soothes the ear canal. Olive leaf extract is a potent against infections. Use the extract as directed on the label. Scutelleria stops the viral infection from spreading to the Eustachian tube, which connects the ear to the throat. Take one-eighth of a teaspoon in one-quarter cup of water or juice once a day. St. John's wort oil alleviates inflammation and kills viruses.
Do not use Echinacea or goldenseal if pregnant. Always warm oils to room temperature before placing in the ear. Plug the ear loosely with cotton afterwards. Do not use scutelleria if you have diarrhea. Do not use green tea within one hour of taking other medications.
The following Chinese formulas are commonly used to treat ear infections. Dosing instructions will be found on the product label.
Gentiana longdancao decoction to drain the liver is specifically for adults and is most effective if the ear infection is accompanied by a bitter taste in the mouth, dizziness, headache, hearing loss, irritability and sore eyes. Do not use this formula if you are trying to get pregnant. Kudzu decoction can be used by both children and adults. It strengthens the immune system against viral infections and alleviates inflammation caused by food allergies.
Other Suggestions
If recurrent ear infections are a problem, try eliminating all dairy products for at least three months to see if it produces any change in condition. If taking antibiotics, acidophilus supplements can prevent the destruction of friendly bacteria and upset stomach. They can also hasten recovery from an ear infection. Take as directed on the product label.