Bath Detox Soaks
Bathing for health benefits has been a part of many cultures: Japanese, Russian, Turkish, Muslim, Roman, Greek and Egyptian cultures have all used bathing to enhance beauty and increase health. Minerals in certain natural volcanic hot springs have been known to bring health benefits to users since ancient times. Sulfur is one such element that has now been proven to aid in detoxification as well as joint pain and stiffness.
Bathing for detoxification purposes is based on the idea that we release toxins in part through the skin. By bathing in ginger, for example, we induce a sweat that accelerates a natural body function. Epsom salts are magnesium sulfate. Magnesium is helpful for easing tired muscles, while sulfates have been proven to remove toxins from the body. Bathing in Epsom salts may pull toxins from the body while relieving tired muscles, according to the Epsom Salts Council. Dead Sea salts have been proven to contain sulfates and may also relieve muscle pain while removing toxins. Another detoxifying bath is the traditional Japanese bath using kelp, which is said to remove toxins and soften and beautify the skin.
The main feature of any detoxifying bath is sweat. These baths are normally between 20 to 30 minutes in hot water and no longer. The bath should be as hot as can be tolerated and the bather should stay in for only the specified time. After the bath, the bather must lie down, covered and allow the body to sweat out toxins. The sweating process can take hours to finish and may leave the bather feeling weak. Usually, deep sleep follows a detoxifying bath.
These baths have been used for centuries to rid the body of disease and cure flu and cold symptoms. According to the Epsom Salts Council, the sulfate in Epsom salts will flush toxins, which can improve absorption of nutrients, help form joint proteins, brain tissue and mucin proteins and help prevent or ease migraine headaches. Soaking in ginger, aside from inducing a sweat to aid in detoxification, may also freshen breath, relieve headache and help fight cold and flu symptoms.
Here is a basic recipe for a ginger and Epsom salts detox bath. Add approximately 3 cups grated ginger and ½ cup Epsom salts to a hot bath. For added detoxifying benefit, you may choose to add 5 drops of frankincense and 2 drops of rose essential oil to the bath. Essential oils such as frankincense, rose, cypress, lemon and black pepper are said to have detoxifying properties. Bath for 20 minutes in the hot water, and then move to a quiet room where you can lie, wrapped in towels, for at least 1 hour.
Hot detoxifying baths may induce a feeling of dizziness, headaches or even nausea. Do not remain in the bath if you begin to feel unwell. Your first bath may be short, 10 minutes or less. Ginger can irritate the skin if too much is used. Start with the amount suggested, or, if you have sensitive skin, begin with less. Stop your bath if any skin irritation begins.