Home Remedy for Coughing
Fluid Intake
Drink at least six to eight glasses of water, juice or herbal teas such as thyme, salvia, hyssop, fennel, eucalyptus and peppermint. Limit caffeine consumption. For immediate relief, try one of these remedies:
Mix a half cup of boiling milk and a half cup of cold soda or carbonated water and sip.
Boil five cloves of garlic in two cups of water; then remove the cloves and drink the warm water.
Mix one uncooked egg yolk with one tablespoon of sugar and hot milk.
Honey is a time-tested remedy for coughing and can be taken by itself or mixed with other ingredients. Don't give honey to infants under 1 as it may cause botulism. Here are some of the more common honey mixtures:
One teaspoon of honey mixed with grapefruit juice.
Equal amounts of honey and lemon grass juice.
One tablespoon of honey with a few drops of brandy.
Equal amounts of honey and aloe juice.
Mix honey with carrot juice and a little warm water and take a tablespoon several times a day.
Misc. Remedies
Here are some other remedies that may ease the discomfort of your air passages.
Breathe the steam from a hot shower, boiling water, vaporizer or humidifier.
Elevate the head of your bed when sleeping.
Stop smoking.
Eat spicy foods such as chili peppers or horseradish.
Smear olive oil on your chest.
Eat fresh and dried apricots.
Soak almonds overnight in water, peel and grind them, then add butter and sugar; eat one to two tablespoons several times throughout the day.