Plants That Detox Your Liver
Purpose of the Liver
The liver is the filtering system for the body. It is the organ that processes everything that we ingest. Alcohol and medications are some of the substances that pass through the liver for processing. The liver purges these harmful chemicals from the body to prevent toxicity. Its main purpose, however, is to produce a substance called bile. Bile is stored in the gallbladder and aids in the process of breaking down lipids and turning them into easily absorbed products for the small intestines.
Plants That Detox the Liver
There are a number of plants and herbs that help in the detoxification of the liver. Organic chicory root has long been recognized as a purifier and cleanser to detoxify the liver. Chicory root's use for liver cleansing dates back to ancient Egypt. It was recognized as a natural way to cleanse the blood, liver and kidneys. It has been found to help dissolve and remove gall stones, as well as treat jaundice and enlarged livers.
Organic Dandelion Leaf for Liver Health
The dandelion leaf is known to aid in the liver's function. One of its functions is to help the liver excrete bile so that it does not build up. The excretion of bile helps the body to process food better and metabolize fats. This process helps your body to get the greatest possible benefit from the foods you eat. It also aids in the discarding of toxins. Because the removal of toxins helps to purify the blood, this takes some of the stress off the liver.
Other Plants That Detox the Liver
Milk thistle seed is another plant that is recognized as being a healing aid to the liver. Studies have shown that milk thistle seed can help the liver regenerate new tissue if any has been damaged. It also helps to increase the production of bile, which helps in the digestive process. Organic peppermint leaf is also known to help the liver function more efficiently, as well as organic turmeric. Organic turmeric helps remove toxins from the blood so the liver does not have to work so hard.
Considerations With a Liver Detox Plan
Although these products are natural and most claim to not produce any side effects, it is always best to talk to your doctor before embarking on a liver detox regimen. Your doctor should know your plans and what you are going to take. This is especially true if you are currently taking any liver medications. Sometimes, even natural and herbal products can interact with prescribed medications.