Natural Remedy for Urinary Tract Infections
Urinary tract infections are distinguishable by a burning sensation during urination and occasional blood in the urine, as well as the sensation of having to urinate, but not being able to. Although there are a number of traditional medical treatments, there also are several useful natural treatments for urinary tract infections.-
Cranberries contain a compound that prevents bacteria from adhering inside the body. Long known in natural medical circles, the effectiveness of cranberries has not been verified, according to Tel Aviv University researcher Itzhak Ofek. Cranberries and cranberry juice coat some areas of the body with a substance that prevents infection and often are useful for urinary tract infections.
Natural medical practitioners often prescribe fresh asparagus juice for urinary tract infections. The recommended dosage is 25 ml of juice from fresh, young asparagus plants for three days.
Goldenrod is used as an aquaretic, meaning that it promotes the loss of water from the body without the loss of electrolytes. As a result, it is good at flushing infection out of the body and often is prescribed for the treatment of urinary tract infections.
Horsetail, sometimes called "bottle brush" or "dutch rush," often is prescribed by natural health practitioners for urinary tract infections. In fact, German medical authorities have approved its use as a diuretic. As a diuretic, it can be effective in flushing urinary tract infections from the body.
Olive Leaves
Olive leaves were first used medicinally in Egypt. Olive leaves and trees have an unusual disease resistance. In the early 1900s, a compound called oleuropein was identified as the compound that gave olive trees their disease resistance. Oleuropein is found primarily in olive leaves, and is thought to be the active ingredient that helps with urinary tract infections.
Goldenseal has been shown to be an antimicrobial and effective in the treatment of urinary tract infections. Whether taken as a tincture, in capsule form or as a tea, goldenseal has a history of being good for urinary tract infections.