Non Pharmacological Treatments for Menopause Symptoms
Natural Hormone Replacement
As a woman's production of estrogen and progesterone decreases, she may suffer from perimenopausal symptoms until menopause is complete. Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) in the form of plants and herbs may offer relief for some women. There are a number of herbs commonly used to treat hot flashes, night sweats, rapid heartbeat and other symptoms a woman may experience.
Among the plants that may be of benefit are black cohosh, chamomile tea, chickweed, dandelion, elderflower, dong quai, sage, flaxseed and ginkgo biloba. The Mexican yam plant produces an estrogen substance like that found in the human body. Red clover, soy beans and Saint John's Wort may also reduce symptoms in some women.
In addition to herbal treatments, vitamins and supplements may ease the symptoms of menopause. Vitamin B6 may reduce breast tenderness and Vitamin D may assist in calcium absorption, a common concern for protecting bone health after menopause. Vitamin E may assist in estrogen stabilization.
More bone building assistance may come from Vitamin K, and magnesium and zinc may help the absorption of other nutrients making vitamins and supplements more effective in treating the symptoms of menopause.
Additional Treatments
Lifestyle changes that include regular exercise and maintaining a sensible weight may alleviate some menopausal issues.Yoga or meditation may also reduce the severity of symptoms. Other alternative treatments include hypnosis, acupuncture, homeopathy, Oriental medicine and naturopathy.