Natural Cures for Multiple Myeloma
Herbal Treatments
Herbal treatments for multiple myeloma are broken down into two categories, those that increase the production of interferon, one of the body's key immune agents and those that will stimulate the immune system to fight off cancer cells and infections.
Herbs that stimulate interferon:They also have additional benefits as well that will be listed.
Bupleurum also helps prevent muscle spasms and eases side effects of steroid treatments. It can be taken in tea form prepared by a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner or take 300 milligrams a day in tablet form. Lentinan also activates NK (natural killer) cells, which are important in destroying damaged cells, such as cancer cells. This is given by intramuscular injection by a health care professional. Siberian ginseng naturally complements lentinan and also stimulates the production of B cells. Even if you do not do the lentinan injections, taking this supplement is still of benefit. Take the extract as directed on the label in ¼ cup of water.
Herbs that stimulate the immune system:These herbs also have additional benefit that will be listed.
Astragalus also restores white blood cell counts. Take 1,000 milligrams in capsule form three times a day. Maitake can also reduce tumor formation. Take 2,000 milligrams three times a day before eating. Scutelleria has a long history of use in Chinese medicine and is well known for its ability to fight off viruses and bacteria. This is good for people with multiple myeloma since they are at increased risk for infections. Take 2,000 milligrams three times a day.
Do not use Siberian ginseng if you have prostate cancer or an autoimmune disease such as lupus or rheumatoid arthritis. Avoid astragalus if you have a fever or skin infection. Do not use scutelleria if you have diarrhea.
Other Suggestions
The Chinese formula Ophiopogonis Decoction is very useful for relieving dry mouth caused by chemotherapy and radiation treatments. It also increases the effectiveness of various steroid drugs used in treating this condition. Do not use if you have a fever. Get 20 minutes of sun daily. Sunlight helps the skin produce vitamin D, which controls the reproduction of bone cells. This can slow the rate at which cancerous bone cells multiply. Taking supplements of this vitamin will not have the same effect and can be detrimental because it will make the bone release calcium that is already in low supply due to the cancer.