Silymarin Treatment
Alcoholism, Cirrhosis, and Hepatitis.
Silymarin works to treat liver problems by helping the membranes of liver cells to keep toxins from entering and causing damage to the liver. It is also effective for repairing already existing liver damage resulting from hepatitis, cirrhosis and other liver diseases. A German study led by M. Albrecht that was published in a 1992 issue of The Journal of Clinical Medicine tested silymarin on 2,637 people that were using milk thistle for a variety of liver problems. After eight weeks of daily use, 63 percent of respondents reported that their symptoms, including abdominal distension, fatigue, lack of appetite and nausea had completely gone away. The presence of enzymes that indicate liver cell death was decreased by 46 percent and 73 percent of enlarged livers shrank.
Ane, Constipation, Crohn's disease, and Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Milk thistle increases the production of bile, a fluid found in the liver that breaks down fat. Increased bile flow helps remove the byproducts of testosterone that cause acne. It also protects the intestinal lining in Crohn's disease and helps relieve constipation, a common symptom of irritable bowel syndrome.
Atherosclerosis, Gallstones, and High Cholesterol
Milk thistle is very effective at managing cholesterol. It assists the liver with protein synthesis, which helps it convert "bad" cholesterol into "good" cholesterol. It also helps prevent cholesterol excreted from bile from being reabsorbed by the body. By reducing plaque formations, it helps prevent atherosclerosis. Milk thistle also prevents gallstones by reducing cholesterol content in the bile.
Considerations for Use
Silymarin gel caps are the most effective form of milk thistle for the above conditions. The only side effect from milk thistle treatment is a mild laxative effect that only lasts a few days. It may also decrease the effectiveness of hormonal birth control. Take the supplement as directed on the label.